Family Welfare Division (FWD)

The Family Welfare Division falls under the Department of Health Services of the Ministry of Health and Population and is the focal Division for all Reproductive Health matters. All health services also fall under the purview of Family Welfare Division. The National Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention Program is led by the Family Welfare Division making it the focus of […]

Creation of National Database of trained VIA providers

NFCC has been developing a database of all health personnel who have been trained by the Government of Nepal to provide cervical cancer screening using VIA. The purpose of this database is to help Family Wealthfare Division have access to the list of trained current providers. The database also provides the basis to further analyze reasons why trained persons who […]

HPV Technical Working Group

In 2014, the Ministry of Health established a working group to help guide the process of piloting the HPV Vaccine Demonstration Project as well as the complementary cervical cancer screening in the target communities. NFCC was the only NGO member of the HPV Technical Working Group which comprises of all relevant government agencies, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO Nepal.

Interns – National

To provide a platform wherein Nepali graduates can get practical experience in the development sector, public health or any of the thematic areas that NFCC works on directly or indirectly as well as hone their skills to get long term employment at NFCC, a special internship policy is in place for Nepali nationals.  Any Nepali graduate can apply for an […]

Interns – International

NFCC provides opportunities to students from universities and organizations based outside of Nepal to gain practical experience on working in public health and development in Nepal. For this, the following conditions are applicable: The University or organization should have a working MOU with NFCC An internship fee per month is applicable. If the internship is tied to a fully funded […]

Cervical Cancer Screening

Focus: Solu-Khumbu Donor: Pasang Lhamu / Nicole Niquille Foundation NFCC trained health workers and then conducted HPV and VIA screening camps in various sites across Solu- Khumbu District. Those trained health workers were tracked and are providing Screening services through their health facility

Updating National Cervical Cancer Implementation Plan (2016-2020)

Focus Area          : National Donor                  : UNFPA  With technical assistance from WHO, the Family Health Division (FHD) under the Ministry of Health and Population Nepal (MoHP) developed the National Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening and Prevention (CCSP) for Nepal in 2010. A National Implementation Plan was developed for 2013-15 with the aim to screen at least 50% of the target population within five […]

Integrating Menstrual Hygiene Management into School Health Program

Focus Area          : Kavre, Dolakha and Sindupalchowk Donor                   : WateraAid Nepal, SEBAC-Nepal  NFCC with various donors is rolling out MHM package that has been endorsed by the Family Health Division and Department of Education is being rolled out in 4 districts namely Kavre, Gorkha, Sindhupalchok and Dolakha. Department of women and children also is also integrated to roll this package in the communities. This […]