The Menstrual Hygiene Day (MHD) 2014, 2015 & 2016

Focus: National Initiated by WASH United, the first Menstrual Hygiene Day was celebrated all over the world on 28thof May 2014 with the slogan Lets start the conversation on Menstruation. In Nepal, the program was led by NFCC in coordination with Government of Nepal and other bilateral partners.  NFCC has been celebrating Menstrual Hygiene Day was celebrated all over the […]

HPV Screening Camps

Focus Area          : 3 Development Regions Donor                  : University of Alabama at Birmingham As part of the ongoing HPV study, HPV screening camps were conducted in three development regions, namely Eastern Development Region (Jhapa), Central Development Region (Lalitpur) and Far Western Development Region (Achham). All camps were conducted in close coordination with the local District Public Health Office. The Knowledge assessment questionnaires were […]

Development of Menstrual Hygiene Management Orientation Package

Focus Area          : National Donor                  : Save the Children NFCC developed Nepal’s first MHM package which was endorsed by the Family Health Division and Department for Education for integration into the School Health Program.The standardized MHM package roll out is a coordination and collaboration between the Family Health Division and the Department of Education

Chhaupadi Assessment

Focus Area          : Far West Nepal Donor                  : USAID NFCC conducted a Chhaupadi assessment for USAID/Nepal to identify best practices for the effective reduction of the negative effects of Chhaupadi tradition on women’s and girls. The geographic scope of the assessment was far and mid-western region of Nepal, where chhaupadi is widely prevalent. The districts selected were Achham, Kailali and Bajura. The objectives […]

Health Facility Assessment

Focus Area          : 20 districts Donor                  : PSI NFCC conducted a Health Facility Assessment for PSI Nepal This assessment looked into availability of family planning services, Infection Prevention materials and trained human resources in family planning in health facilities of 20 districts. In this 3 month long assessment all the districts from five development regions were covered.

Menstrual Hygiene Management Pilot Project in Saptari

Focus Area          : 15 VDCs’ of Saptari District Donor                  : UNICEF The Menstrual Hygiene Management Pilot Project in Saptari District was implemented in 15 VDCs of the district. The objective of the program was to assess the level of knowledge and understanding of Sexual and Reproductive Health, Menstrual Hygiene Management and practices associated with Menstrual Hygiene Management among out of school adolescent girls […]

“RUPANTARAN”: Empowering Adolescent to Contribute to Ending Harmful Social Norms Such as Child Marriage.

Focus Area          : 5 Districts Donor                  : UNICEF The ADAP program engages with out of school adolescent girls from disadvantaged groups by imparting an intensive training on social and financial life-skills in Dhanusha, Saptari, Rautahat, Bara and Parsa districts in the Eastern Terai. The package covers fifteen modules relevant to adolescents. A core group of community change agents are trained who then roll […]