International Day of the Girl 2020

deneme bonusu veren bahis siteleri “My voice, our equal future.”Let’s connect rights to the voices and the future.Let’s ensure the right to self determination of the girls.Let’s celebrate the international day of the girls with menstruation. deneme bonusu veren siteler

10th Anniversary of Recognition of Water and Sanitation as Human Rights by UN Human Rights Council

September 30, 2020, marks the 10th anniversary of the recognition of water and sanitation as human rights by the UN Human Rights Council as part of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Right to Self Determination is the first article in this covenant. No Water, No Sanitation means No Menstrual Health. The right to Water and Sanitation […]

PIL against Nepal Government for the holiday on Rishi Panchami (Nepali)

भाद्र ७ गते नेपालमा ऋषिपञ्चमी मनाइन्छ। ऋषिपञ्चमीको दिन महिनावारी हुने व्यक्तीहरुले गएको एक बर्षभरीमा महिनावारीको समयमा समाजले छुन नहुने भनिएका कुराहरु छोएकोमा माफ माग्ने गर्दछन्। के साच्चैँ हामीलाई यस्तो दिनको आवश्यकता छ त? हामी के महिनावारी मनाउने की महिनावारीका बन्देजहरु मनाउने? आउनुहोस् NFCC सँग सहकार्य गरी महिनावारी हुने व्यक्तीहरुले आफै निर्णय लिन पाउने अधिकार सुनिश्चित गरौँ। यस #आत्मनिर्णकोअधिकार को अभियानमा सहभागी हुनुहोस्। […]

Lockdown Support (Nepali)

यो लकडाउनको बेलामा तपाईं अथवा तपाईंले चिन्ने कुनै पनि व्यक्ति हिंसाको कारण जोखिममा हुनसक्नुहुन्छ ।यदी तपाईं अथवा तपाईंले चिन्ने कुनै पनि व्यक्तिलाई सहयोगको आवश्यकता छ भने हामीलाई ९८०११९३०८८ नम्बरमा सम्पर्क गर्नुहोला । कृपया यो सन्देश लाई धेरै भन्दा धेरै शेयर गरेर सहयोग र आवश्यकता भएका व्यक्तिहरुलाई हामीसम्म पुर्याउन सह्योग गरीदिनु होला । धन्यवाद ।

Lockdown Support (English)

During this lockdown, you or somebody you know maybe in a vulnerable situation, trapped at home with an abuser. If you or anybody you know needs help, call us at 9801193088Please help share this message widely so it reaches people in need of help or support.

Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020

“WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN MENSTRUATING?” On the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene Day, we asked women and girls of various ages from different parts of Nepal “WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE MENSTRUATING? “. These are the answers shared by them but still, the question arises, Are these their free choices and decisions that they have made? After more […]