The STI project

Focus: Kathmandu Valley Donor: USAID / FHI Funded by a consortium of donors and sub contracted by FHI, this project was implemented in the Kathmandu valley for the high risk populace comprising of migrants workers, FSWs, MSMs and clients of FSWs. With outreach done through the peer method, client friendly static and mobile clinics were used for service delivery. For […]

GBV mapping in Kathmandu Valley

Under the guidance of the Gender Section of the Ministry of Health and Population, NFCC is currently completing a mapping of all organization providing services for survivors of GBV. It is expected that the completed document will be a first of its kind and a useful resource in the following ways: for Government of Nepal to monitor services for survivors; […]

Adolescent Health Assessment

This assessment included a detailed study of all adolescent health interventions implemented across Nepal, what interventions could be linked to the HPV vaccination project and a strategy for the integration of adolescent health interventions with the HPV vaccination as well as its scale up nationally. NFCC was contracted to do this assessment by FHD and supported by WHO Nepal. The […]

Development of the Adolescent Boys and Young Men’s Menstrual Attitude (ABYMA) scale

Yet another breakthrough in research on menstruation is the development of the ABYMMA Scale in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh, USA. The ABYMMA Scale is the first qualitative tool on menstruation developed specifically for Nepal. This tool called Adolescent Boys and Young Men Menstrual Attitudes (ABYMMA) scale measures the menstrual attitude among adolescent boys and young men. This tool […]

Perception on Menstrual restriction and its association with Human Rights

With support from the University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, NFCC conducted a study to assess prevailing perceptions on the association between Menstrual Restrictions and Human Rights Infringement among urban Nepalese in Kathmandu Valley. This study is the first large scale survey of status of menstrual restriction among Nepalis. Data analysis is complete and academic papers are being developed. 

Using Collaborative Filmmaking in Public Health Research: A Pilot Study of Menstrual Practices in Far-West Nepal

In collaboration with Department of Behavioural and Community Health Sciences (BCHS) of the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, USAconducted a collaborative film-making research with adolescent girls in Far West-Nepal. The said girls were taught how to make films and equipped with cameras so that they could document their daily lives when menstruating and when not. This […]