Family Planning
NFCC advocates for an integrated approach to Reproductive Health (RH). In the public sector, NFCC advocates and lobbies for the implementation of more holistic RH camps, with the objective of providing more services that meet more of the needs of the targeted women. On the other hand, in the private sector, NFCC engages with different networks like MSI, FPAN, PSI, and Sangini to standardize services as well as integrate newer RH services into their portfolio.
NFCC was the first organization to work on Quality of Care in Nepal (QOC). Currently, the QOC mandate lies with the Management Division under the Department of Health Services. NFCC is currently working on QOC in some of its RH programs.
NFCC is also a leader in social franchising in Nepal and with its extensive experience, NFCC will now focus on consolidating QOC in private sector franchising networks by actively with the Government of Nepal.