HIV and Migration
Addressing the important yet ignored health needs of Nepali Migrant workers headed to Malaysia, NFCC has developed a program at three points of migration – source, transit and destination.
At Source/districts, awareness about safe migration for health, especially reproductive health has been developed. Community participation for addressing the needs and results of migration through PAR (Participatory Action Research) will be the crux of the project at the village level.
At Transit/Kathmandu, access to information and proper orientation about health risks in Malaysia will be the focus. Referral cards for use to access primary health services in Malaysia will be issued for departing migrants.
At Destination/Malaysia, a peer outreach network will be in place and primary health services will be available for Nepali migrants at pre-determined and high migrant frequency locations. Deportations on health grounds will be referred through the peer network and Malaysian counterpart to NFCC, who will in turn refer the deported migrants to appropriate care and support, especially in HIV or STI cases.
Partners– IOM Nepal; IOM Malaysia; Department of Foreign Employment; Foreign Employment Promotion Board.