Institutionalized Clinic and Training Center (ICTC), Nepalgunj

Focus: Mid and Far West Nepal

Donor: USAID

Owned by the government and administered by NFCC, ICTC was established as an outcome of the decentralization policy of the Government of Nepal taking factors like cost, accessibility and a host of other issues into consideration. ICTC imparted training to the public sector health care providers, NGO and INGO personnel based in the mid and far-western development regions of Nepal. 

ICTC achieved remarkable success in its training goals. It follows the standard training modules of National Health Training Center, which blends both the didactic and practicum. The annual training schedules are prepared by the NHTC and ICTC in turn receives training quota for each family planning methods and the number of trainees to be trained in each fiscal year.

Project Duration: 2002-2011