Menstrual Hygiene Products

The lack of attention given to menstrual hygiene and its implications on the future reproductive health of the girls and women in Nepal has prompted NFCC to develop the guidelines and a model on introducing Nepal first low cost sanitary napkin available through social marketing in Nepal. 

Keeping in mind the economics of purchasing menstrual napkins in many rural areas of Nepal, NFCC has devised a double pronged approach to address the issues of menstrual hygiene management. Under this, low cost sanitary napkins will be available through the supply delivery model developed by NFCC. For those women and girls unable to afford to buy disposable napkins, an alternative of community level manufacturing of reusable cloth napkins has also been planned. These reusable napkins will be available at very nominal prices and the raw materials will be procured through a national urban center specific old cloth collection campaign called – ‘Rags to Pads’ 

Partners – Mothers Groups in VDCS’; Out of school groups; DEO; DHO;