Our Story
In the year 1983, the Government of Nepal, realizing the burden and impact of unhindered childbirths in Nepal on the individual and national economy, set a demographic target of reducing the total fertility rate (TFR) from 6 to 2.5 by the year 2000. To reach this target, an aggressive campaign of advocacy, education and availability of contraceptive choices became imperative. To counterpart the Government’s strategy, which was in dire need for outreach and skills, NFCC was established in 1988, as a national non-governmental, non-profit organization. NFCC would provide where missing and enhance where lacking, standardized reproductive health services in Nepal.
NFCC has, since its inception worked simultaneously to provide standardized reproductive health services across Nepal as well as support the government by training direct and indirect government and NGO health personnel with skills necessary for effective and efficient service delivery. NFCC works with and within the government infrastructure to enable continuous networking with government bodies at all levels of administration from the center to the VDC level.

Having worked for more than three decades in all the five developmental zones of Nepal, NFCC has made its presence felt across Nepal working on pertinent issues of sexual and reproductive health like family planning, HIV, STIs’, adolescent health, women’s health, men’s health etc.
The technical expertise that NFCC owns plays a crucial role in the work that we do.
In 1996, NFCC developed a benchmark for quality of care in health service delivery, which later came to be the countless Quality of Care (QoC) trainings that NFCC has conducted for the government, donor agencies and other NGOs’. This cemented NFCCs’ stand as the premier organization in Nepal for assessment and implementation of Quality of Care in health service delivery.
Our donor agencies have rated us as one of the best managed and professional non-governmental organization that has pioneered and tested several innovative reproductive health activities including activities in the field of sexual and reproductive health. NFCC, to its credit had an opportunity to collaborate with several International Non-governmental Organizations, UN Organizations and others in the past. US AID, AVSC International (now Engender Health), JSI, FHI, AED, SOMARC, Futures Group, CMS, UNDP Global Fund, UNFPA, UNICEF, GTZ (now GIZ), Venture Strategies, Nepal Safer Motherhood Projects, Population Council and others are the few organizations that NFCC had collaborated with in different projects in the past.