Strengthening the Continuum of Care through Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming

Strengthening the Continuum of Care through Quality Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming, is a one year IMC funded program, strengthening the SRH services post-Earthquake in 24 VDCs of Gorkha. The program aims to strengthen the government’s capacity to coordinate, manage and oversee an integrated continuum of care and support, and, will build the capacity of health service providers to provide comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services in their community. 

The project addresses the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) needs of women and men of reproductive age in Gorkha district by first ensuring the availability and quality of Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) services in health facilities. Furthermore, it will facilitate the transition of these service sites from provision of life-saving urgent care to comprehensive SRH services as soon as the situation allows.